Medical informatics

Матеріал з Вікі ЦДУ
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Course title

Donetsk national medical university

Medical informatics

Knowledge domain:22 Health Care

Specialty: 222 "Medicine" and 221 "Dentistry"

Description of the discipline (annotation)

The study discipline “Medical Informatics” is a part of series of profession-oriented training of the specialists of the second (master) level of higher education of knowledge domain 22 “Health care” of specialty 221 “Dentistry”. The curriculum of the discipline “Medical Informatics” is meant for the students of the II nd course and is based on the requirements of branch standards of specialist training. The study discipline “Medical Informatics” is being taught in order to familiarize students with the use of modern information communication technologies in the area of health care since the evolution of computer technologies, their implementation into the medicine and health care demands from medical specialists the realization of the disease incidence analysis, involving of medical documentation, procession of medical and social information with the usage of standard procedures including modern computer information technologies.


Scale of evaluation

Aim and task of educational discipline

The aim of teaching of educational discipline the “Medical Informatics” is: the formation and development of future ICT competence practitioners in order to ensure the rational use of modern general and special software in the processing of medical and biological data.

The main tasks of studying the discipline are:

*forming and development of knowledge, abilities and skills, necessary for the effective use modern programs of the general and special setting is in industry of health protection;

*familiarization of students with the value and possibilities of new information and communication technologies in the field of healthcare, with the prospects of computer technology development;

*development of the ability to master the software independently;

*explanation of the principles of formalization and algorithmization of medical problems, principles of modeling in biology and medicine;

*formation of basic skills for work with the PC and the search of medical information using information technologies;

*use of methods for elaboration of medical and biological data.

To the competence and results of studies, forming of that is assisted by discipline (intercommunication is with the normative maintenance of preparation of bread-winners of higher education, set forth in the terms of results of studies in Standard). According to the requirements of the standard, the discipline "Medical Informatics" provides students with the acquisition of competencies:


*the ability to solve typical and complex specialized tasks and practical problems in health care professional activities related to the use of a personal computer and work with general-purpose programs and involves research and / or innovation and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty. requirements.


*ability to apply knowledge in practical situations;

*ability to choose a communication strategy; ability to work in a team; skills of interpersonal interaction;

*skills of using information and communication technologies;

*ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis, ability to learn and to be modernly trained;

*ability to apply knowledge in practical situations;

*ability to assess and ensure the quality of work performed;

*determination and persistence in relation to the tasks and duties taken.

special (professional, subject):

ability to process state, social, economic and medical information: under any circumstances, using standard procedures, including modern computer information technologies, be able to: determine the source and / or location of the required information, depending on its type; receive the necessary information from a specific source; to process and analyze the information received:

*demonstrate the skills of working with a personal computer and the search for medical and biological data using information technology;

*determine the possibilities of using information technology and PC in medicine;

*use methods of medical information processing;

*explain the principles of formalization and algorithmization of medical problems, principles of modeling in biology and medicine.

The author (compiler) of the course

Olha Haborets


Course coordination page "Medical informatics" lecturer Olha Haborets

Study schedule

Total hours: 105

Item duration 10 days

The structure of the educational discipline

Content module 1. Fundamentals of Information Technology in the Health Care System.Treatment and analysis of medical and biological data.

Topic 1. Safety. Entrance test. Introduction and structure of medical informatics. Fundamentals of telemedicine.

Topic 2. Creation and introduction of medical documentation by means of text document.

Topic 3. The main provisions of the work in the spreadsheet. Calculations. Create charts and graphs. Approximation. Working with data forms.

Topic 4. Methods of processing medical-biological statistical data.

Topic 5. Computer data: data types, processing and management.

Topic 6. Coding and classification of medical data.

Topic 7. Analysis of biosignals. Methods of processing biosignals. Visualization of medical and biological data. Processing and analysis of medical images.

Content module 2. Medical knowledge and decision making in medicine.

Topic 8. Formalization and algorithmization of medical problems. Formal logic.

Topic 9. Methods of support of making decision. Strategies of receipt of medical knowledge.

Topic 10. Information resources of the health care system.

Topic 11. Multimedia technologies in medicine. Preparation of reports and presentations.

Topic 12. Final control.

Course content

Content module 1. Fundamentals of Information Technology in the Health Care System.Treatment and analysis of medical and biological data.

Topic 1. Safety. Entrance test. Introduction and structure of medical informatics. Fundamentals of telemedicine.

Theoretical material

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Lecture №1

Presentation №1

Practical tasks

Practical task №1

Topic 2. Creation and introduction of medical documentation by means of text document.

Practical tasks

Practical task №2

Topic 3. The main provisions of the work in the spreadsheet. Calculations. Create charts and graphs. Approximation. Working with data forms.

Theoretical material

Presentation №3

Practical tasks

Practical task №3

Topic 4. Methods of processing medical-biological statistical data.

Theoretical material

Lecture №4

Presentation №4

Practical tasks

Practical task №4

Independent work

Independent work №4

Topic 5. Computer data: data types, processing and management.

Theoretical material

Presentation №5

Practical tasks

Practical task №5

Topic 6. Coding and classification of medical data.

Theoretical material

Lecture №6

Practical tasks

Practical task №6

Independent work

Independent work №6

Topic 7. Analysis of biosignals. Methods of processing biosignals. Visualization of medical and biological data. Processing and analysis of medical images.

Theoretical material

Lecture №7

Content module 2. Medical knowledge and decision making in medicine.

Topic 8. Formalization and algorithmization of medical problems. Formal logic.

Practical tasks

Practical task №8

Topic 9. Methods of support of making decision. Strategies of receipt of medical knowledge.

Theoretical material

Lecture №9

Topic 10. Information resources of the health care system.

Theoretical material

Lecture №10

Topic 11. Multimedia technologies in medicine. Preparation of reports and presentations.

Theoretical material

Presentation №11

Practical tasks

Practical task №11

Topic 12. Final control.

Practical tasks

Practical tasks №12


Recommended reading


  1. Medical Informatics: textbook / I.Y. Bulakh, Y.Y. Liakh, V.P. Matseniuk, I.Y. Khaimzon. –3rd edition, revised. – Kyiv: AUS Medicine Publishing, 2017. – 368 p.

  2. Medical Informatics in Modules/ I.Y. Bulakh, L.P Voitenko, O.S. Alita, T.I. Zhehriy, I.P. Krivenko, T.S. Slukhai, I.M. Shylo – Kyiv: AUS Medicine Publishing, 2014. – 152 p.

  3. Handbook of Medical Informatics. Editors: J.H. van Bemmel, M.A. Musen. –;

  4. De Jong, H. 2002. "Modeling and simulation of genetic regulatory systems: a literature review," Journal of Computational Biology, 9,67-103.

  5. Gershevich, V. A. Computer for the doctor. Tutorial. – 2nd ed. Rev. and extra – SPb.: BHV-Petersburg, 2004. – 512 p.

  6. Mohan Bansal, Medical Informatics- a primer, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003.

  7. Biomedical Informatics Computer Applications in Health Care and Biomedicine. Edward H. Shortliffe Editor James J. Cimino Associate Editor/ 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC – 1060 p.

  8. Theory and Practice / I. Khakhaev, V. Mashkov,G. Gubkin and others - M.: ALT Linux; BINOMIAL. Laboratory of knowledge, 2008. - 319 p. - (ALT Linux Library).


  1. Institute of Medicine. Health IT and Patient Safety: Building Safer Systems for Better Care. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2012.

  2. Institute of Medicine. Health Literacy, eHealth and Communication: Putting and Consumer First: Workshop Summary. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2009.

  3. National Research Council. Computational Technology for Effective Health Care: Immediate Steps and Strategic Directions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2009.

  4. Varon, J., Marik, P.E. (2002). Clinical information systems and the electronic medical record in the intensive care unit. Curr Opin Crit Care, 8(6):614–624.

  5. Haynes, R. (2001). Of studies, syntheses, synopses, and systems: The “4S” evolution of services for finding current best evidence. ACP Journal Club, 134:A11–A13.

  6. Haynes, R., Devereaux, P., et al. (2002). Clinical expertise in the era of evidence-based medicine and patient choice. ACP Journal Club, 136:A11.

Інформаційні ресурси

  1. National library named after V. I. Vernadsky

  2. Donetsk regional scientific medical library

  3. The scientific library of Zaporizhzhya state medical University

  4. Internet University of information technologies

  5. Training in the Internet. Free distance learning computer science, telecommunications, bases of electronic business

  6. Department of medical Informatics and computer technologies of training of National medical University named after O. O. Bogomolets


Communication with students
