Вікі-стаття студента з теми "Медичний канабіс: заборонені ліки"

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Версія від 23:14, 6 лютого 2015; Lioncure (обговореннявнесок)

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Назва проекту

Medical cannabis: forbidden medicine

Автори проекту

Ковтун Поліна, 209 група

Тема дослідження


Medicinal marijuana.jpg

Проблема дослідження

Happiness. The concept we all have a subjective perception about but all in all we struggle to achieve this state of soul and body comfort, harmony and absolute love. Since Middle Ages people considered happiness to be a part of a complex concept “health”, with a lot of other components but “happiness” as a central one. Health means happiness and happiness means health, both physical and mental. So, the formula of perfect life appears to be simple – be healthy and happy and you will be the star shining bright and powerfully. But what if life itself, or fate or any kind of mystic substance decides you can not be absolutely healthy? So you can not be absolutely happy?

Depression, anorexia, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, blindness, bronchial asthma, migraine, arthritis, hypertension, cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's disease and many other – these are creatures that take away a huge part of our happiness and bring pain, making us see the world in duller colors.

Scientists all over the world are striving to find the miracle cures capable of winning the victory and make the world a piece of a paradise. But what if I tell you that the panacea exists? That all medicine experts working in world pharmaceutical laboratories can finally breathe a sigh of relief? The cure has always been here, just in front of our eyes but a lot of us consider it to be not a friend but a foe, not a helper but a wrecker. However, it is high time to finally get rid of all prejudices and open our eyes to such obvious truth – the cure is called marijuana, the thing that makes you high, the thing that makes you smile, the thing that makes you comfortable, the thing that makes you healthy. Великий текст

Результати дослідження

The researches of marijuana as a healthy drug started in 1960's by psychiatrist Tod H.Mikuriya, who helped to develop a law, giving a right to prescribe cannabis as a remedy. He believed that the symptoms of over 200 ailments could be treated with the drug. Moreover, the National Cancer Institute recognized that chemicals of marijuana can reduce side effects of chemotherapy, preventing nausea, vomiting, weight loss, decreasing pain, and improving sleep and mood.

According to research studies conducted by the University of California's Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research (CMCR) cannabis can serve for many purposes in treatment of maladies. The experiments of using cannabis for treating pain caused by HIV-related peripheral neuropathy (injury to the nerves that supply feelings to your arms and feet) concluded that 52% of patients who smoked marijuana had a greater than 30% reduction in pain. Generally, cannabis was being studied for its analgesic efficacy and in most cases it showed positive results, helping to decrease pain and discomfort: “The ability of cannabinoids to delay the response to painful stimulation...provides scientific evidence for a direct analgesic effect of cannabinoids.”

In addition to this, marijuana controls epileptic seizures, decreases anxiety, slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease, lessens side-effects from treating hepatitis C, treats inflammatory bowel diseases, relieves arthritis discomfort and so on and so forth and the list may be endless.


Pain – the reaction of an organism dysfunction, of health problems and lack of a piece of happiness. Creating pain – our nature also created painkiller capable of restoring initial harmony in your mind and body. Marijuana is a natural equivalent of happiness – use it if you are in lack of it and let your inner positive energy heal your body and soul.

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